This function allows you to mark a function that is not directly passed to the task
function as
transformable from the Async Transform.
Async Transform Read more about the Async Transform
You can import this function from @sheepdog/svelte/utils
and call it with the same first argument
you would pass to the task
import { transform } from '@sheepdog/svelte/utils';
const myTask = transform(async (id: number) => { const res = await fetch(`/products/${id}`); return await res.json();});
and this is really all you need to do. If you added the Async Transform vite plugin this function
will be transformed and the transform
import will be removed
const myTask = async function* (id: number) { const res = yield fetch(`/products/${id}`); return yield res.json();};
If by any chance you forgot to add the vite plugin the function will just return the function as is but it will throw an error at runtime (only in dev mode) to let you know that you need to include the vite plugin to actually transform the function.