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Sheepdog Utils

When creating a task (of any type) there are 2 possible arguments that can be accessed, the first is any argument that is passed in when calling .perform(), and the second is an object that can be used to optionally enhance your task - SheepdogUtils.

SheepdogUtils offers two properties to extend your task with:

  • signal - the AbortSignal is available so that you can do any further manipulation you need based on the state of the AbortSignal. We won’t go into too much detail about this as it is the standard AbortSignal interface that is simply passed back from Sheepdog.
  • link - this is a Sheepdog specific function that allows you to bind tasks together. For more information, check out the Linking Tasks explainer.
<script lang="ts">
import { task } from '@sheepdog/svelte';
const myTask = task(async (myArgument, {signal, link}) => {
// your code
type SheepdogUtils = {
signal: AbortSignal;
link: <TArgs, TReturn>(task: Task<TArgs, TReturn>) => Task<TArgs, TReturn>;