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Task Instance


To standardize the approach regardless of which task modifier you’re using, every task modifier will use the same underlying TaskInstance structure inside of a svelte store.

A TaskInstance comprises of:

  • error: if an error is thrown inside the task instance, it will be found here
  • hasStarted: it is possible for the task instance to be in a queue, waiting to start. This property will change to true the instant the task instance has started
  • isCanceled: whether the task instance was canceled
  • isError: whether the task instance throw an error before completing
  • isRunning: whether the task instance is currently running
  • isSuccessful: whether the task instance completed successfully
  • value: if the task instance completed successfully, this will be the return value

And for those of you that prefer to read code, here is the typing of the TaskInstance:

type TaskInstance<TReturn> = {
* If an error is thrown inside the task instance, it will be found here.
error?: Error;
* Indicates whether the task instance has started.
hasStarted: boolean;
* Indicates whether the task instance was canceled.
isCanceled: boolean;
* Indicates whether the task instance threw an error before completing.
isError: boolean;
* Indicates whether the task instance is currently running.
isRunning: boolean;
* Indicates whether the task instance completed successfully.
isSuccessful: boolean;
* If the task instance completed successfully, this will be the return value.
value?: TReturn;

You can access these properties just as you would with any other Svelte store:

<script lang="ts">
import { task } from '@sheepdog/svelte';
const myTask = task(async () => {
// your code
let lastInstance;
<button on:click={() => {
lastInstance = myTask.perform()
}}> Press me </button>
{#if $lastInstance.isRunning}
Last instance is running!
<button on:click={() => {
const myInstance = myTask.perform()
myInstance.get() // { isRunning: true, hasStarted: true, ... }
}}> Press me </button>


Each task instance is also packaged with a cancel function that can be used to cancel itself.

<script lang="ts">
import { task } from '@sheepdog/svelte';
const myTask = task(async () => {
// your code
let lastInstance;
<button on:click={() => {
lastInstance = myTask.perform()
}}> Press me </button>
<button on:click={() => {
}}> Cancel </button>